Oracle PL SQL Interview Questions And Answers For Experience & Freshers
1) what are advantages of the packages in oracle?
2) difference between procedure and function?
3) what is mutating error? how to avoid mutating error using compound trigger?
4) what is overloading procedure?
5) what is correlated subquery? inline view?
6) difference between join and union?
7) how to create empty table with same structure as another table?
8) what is normalization? need for normalization?
9) what is primary key, foreign key, composite primary key?
10) how to delete duplicate records from a table?
11) what are the types of index? why index needed?
12) what are the global temporary tables?
13) what is dynamic SQL? what are its uses?
14) what are the query optimization techniques?
15) what is procedure overloading?
16) diff between static cursor and dynamic cursor
17) can we use procedure within function? can we use procedure within trigger?
18) what is SQLCODE,SQLERRM?
19) what is bulk bind? bulk exception?
20) what is pragma autonomous_transaction?
21) what is rank(), dense rank(), row_number()?
22) what is instead of trigger?
23) what are the types of the exceptions?
24) what is trigger? types of trigger? purpose of trigger?
25) can we use DDL, DML inside a function?
26) can we use OUT and INOUT parameter in function?
27) what is exception in PLSQL? types of exception?
28) how to handle exception in PLSQL?
29) what is pragma exception_init?
30) what is raise_application_error?
31) what is cursor? what are the types of cursor?
32) what is parameterized cursor?
33) diff between cursor and collection?
34) what is system trigger?
35) what is materialized view? Types to refresh materialized view?
36) what is use of limit clause in bulk collect?
37) what is row level trigger, statement level trigger?
38) what is index by table, nested table, varray diff between them?
39) diff between left outer join and inner join?
40) diff between cursor and refcursor?
41) datatypes in PLSQL?
42) what is save exceptions?
43) diff between constraints and triggers?
44) what are the variable notations / anchor notations / %type,%rowtype?
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